Evelyn Tian 高階Agile & Scrum教練
- 高階CSP-SM (Certified Scrum Professional ScrumMaster)
- 高階CSP-PO (Certified Scrum Professional Product Owner)
- 進階A-CSM (Advanced Certified Scrum Master)
- 進階A-CSPO (Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner)
- 認證Scrum導師級CST
- 認證Path to CSP培訓師
- 認證敏捷領導力培訓師
- 認證企業級教練
- 認證團隊教練
- Certified Agile Leadership Education (敏捷領導力認證)
Evelyn 有30年以上產品開發及專案管理經驗,跨足領域包括電信、汽車、金融、電商等產業。
- 在產品管理、專案管理、系統設計、軟體發展、集成測試到客戶支援擁有豐富經驗
- 愛立信全球轉型支持中心負責人,支持轉型計劃 (包含:精益和敏捷推廣、組織轉型策略制定、新工作方法導入、軟體發展工藝提高、組織團隊和個體培訓與引導)
- 國際電子電器工程師協會(IEEE)軟體顧問委員
- 跨領域產業敏捷轉型培訓及輔導經驗:
- 電信電商:愛立信、德國漢莎航空公司
- 金融保險:瑞典銀行、法國安盛保險、德國安聯保險
- 汽車產業:奧迪、奧迪創新公司、寶馬創新公司
- 2021歐洲DevOps Pro、敏捷非洲主題演講嘉賓
- 2020敏捷之旅加拿大、臺灣主題演講嘉賓
- 2020敏捷100意見領袖學術會演講嘉賓
- 2019國際極限程式設計大會演講嘉賓
- 2019RSG北京主題演講嘉賓
- 2019國際ScrumGathering演講嘉賓
- 2019Latvia敏捷周主題演講嘉賓
- 《擁抱變革:從優秀走向卓越的48個組織轉型模式》
- 《Scrum捷徑:敏捷策略、工具與技巧》
- 《從1到100:用心求變》
Evelyn Tian is a coach, trainer and keynote speakers of international conferences.
She has 30 years of product experience in telecom products, automotive industry, financial sectors, pharma, e-commerce and more, from product management, project management, system architect, software development, system integration and installation, and customer support. She can easily move between high-level strategic management discussions and detailed discussions on software craftsmanship.
Evelyn’s focus is on organization transformational strategy, continuous improvement and enhancing the art and science of crafting products and service delivery. Evelyn has built a lengthy track record and gathered deep insights in coaching organization transformation, agile leadership, product excellence and teams to unleash their potential. She was previously the head of Ericsson Global Transformation Support Center, and supported the telecom giant’s transformation initiatives.
She specializes in growing agile coaching capabilities, and has helped passionate agile practitioners from 80 different countries (as of Nov. 2023). She offers free monthly coaching clinics and network activities to give back to communities.